Done with finals!
Dec. 14, 2019—My penultimate finals season is officially over! This was one of the most chill finals seasons I’ve had, but it sure feels nice to be relaxing at home now instead of having to worry about school for a few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed my last fall semester at Vandy and I’m looking forward to next...
Shortlist of Gratitude
Dec. 3, 2019—Now that Thanksgiving break has come and gone, and we are in the calm before the storm that is finals season, I want to express some appreciation for things that make life sweet! It’s important to not lose sight of the bigger picture that is the wonder of life, even when school becomes a hectic...
SAQ: What Do You Like About Vanderbilt? (Part I: The Environment)
Dec. 26, 2018—International students, professors, outstanding seniors...
Registering for Classes: What you need to know
May. 28, 2018—If you’re anything like I was the summer before my first year, you’re probably super excited to choose your classes for your first semester in college! [Insert wholesome words of encouragement and “the world is your oyster” like phrases here]. Now onto the good stuff! First, I would recommend getting comfortable with YES (Your Enrollment...
Zeppos – Not Your Average Chancellor
Mar. 10, 2017—As a Vandy student, it can sometimes feel difficult and even intimidating to get engaged with the faculty. My first class at Vandy was a Microeconomics lecture with over 200 students, and I remember moments when I would want to ask a question or even just ask my professor to repeat a certain topic, and...
Public Art at Vanderbilt
Apr. 9, 2016—Are you an artist interested in making you work public? Do you want a community that supports your creativity? You have it!
Vanderbilt’s most popular major: HOD
Mar. 9, 2016—Projects, internships, professors, and more! A look inside Human and Organizational Development, a Vanderbilt-specific major, and one of the most popular ones on campus. Find out about the major that sets Vanderbilt apart from other schools!
A ‘First’ Class Semester
Nov. 26, 2014—As this semester draws to a close—and before the hurricane of finals week arrives—I thought it would be a good idea to tell y'all about my classes at Vanderbilt as well as the amazing professors I have had the pleasure of learning from.
So You Want To Be A Doctor?
May. 19, 2014—I know what you might be thinking—you and millions of others… Can it happen? Here’s how Vanderbilt has already helped to prepare its first-year students for the already daunting process of med school applications.