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Thoughts on First Semester (And What Changed)

Feb. 2, 2019—I didn’t think a lot would change in terms of my academic aspirations during my first semester of college. I was a stubborn incoming freshman. In retrospect, that was a dumb mindset. Because a lot did change. I had walked into Vanderbilt as a pre-med student planning to major in anthropology, a subject I’d known...

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Shadowing 101

Jan. 28, 2019—A big part of being a pre-med student is seeking out opportunities to learn about the field outside of the classroom. One of the best ways to do this is through shadowing physicians. Shadowing entails following a physician around over the course of a regular work day, and seeing what their career looks like up...

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Reflections on My First College Exam

Jan. 17, 2019—The college application process is stressful (that’s pretty much an accepted fact). The one aspect of college admissions that stressed me out especially was testing. In the months that I carefully and meticulously planned out my application, wrote out essays, sought out recommenders, and met with high school advisors, the idea of having to take...

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A Day in the Life

Nov. 9, 2018—As fall semester continues on, I wanted to update you all on my life as of late. And what better way to do that than to walk you through a day in my life. So, without further ado, here’s how I spent my Monday this week!   I wake up in the morning around 7:30,...

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Class Overview: Fall 2018

Sep. 13, 2018—Hello junior year! While there are so many cool courses at Vanderbilt that I have yet to take, there are only so many I can enroll in a semester that meet graduation requirements for my major, and I’m somehow already halfway through my undergraduate career, which is a little bit terrifying. However, I’m really excited...

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Studying Abroad As a Pre-Med Student

Jul. 18, 2018—In my senior year of high school, there were so many factors that I considered in my search for the perfect college: acceptance rate, tuition, location, etc. On that list of things was the quality of the university’s study abroad program. I had known for a long time that I wanted to study abroad in...

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Summer Update

May. 29, 2018—It has been nearly a month since finals ended, and I barely know what day it is, which means summer is officially in session. What, you ask, does a Vanderbilt student do over the summer? Many things! Some common activities include, but are not limited to, the following: Internships (paid or unpaid) Research Jobs Study...

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Registering for Classes: What you need to know

May. 28, 2018—If you’re anything like I was the summer before my first year, you’re probably super excited to choose your classes for your first semester in college! [Insert wholesome words of encouragement and “the world is your oyster” like phrases here]. Now onto the good stuff! First, I would recommend getting comfortable with YES (Your Enrollment...

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Tracking Down Summer Internships

Feb. 7, 2018—As if being in college, attending classes, and involving oneself in extracurricular activities weren’t enough, another major component of the undergraduate experience at Vanderbilt is finding productive ways to spend one’s time during the summer. This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately, as pre-medical students generally find internships or research...

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Calm before the storm

Dec. 4, 2017—Finals season is upon us… I’ve been saying this all semester, but time goes by so quickly at Vandy. It feels like we just started the school year, and it’s already time for finals. Especially after Thanksgiving break, it just goes by super quickly. This weekend I did some studying, but I also just tried...

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