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An Artistic Weekend on Campus

Feb. 20, 2019—My French professor often starts the class by a question, “Qu’avez vous fait ce weekend?” (What did you do this weekend?) This time, I will answer, “I had an artistic weekend on campus.” Friday, February 15: a movie I spent the late afternoon on watching Thermae Romae, a Japanese film, at Furman Hall. Two Japanese...

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Humans of Vanderbilt

Oct. 5, 2016—If you didn’t know this already as a dedicated Inside Dores reader, Vanderbilt is a pretty cool university. And one of the best things about being a cool, or at least well-known university, is that when the Vanderbilt Speakers Committee asks famous people to come talk to us, they actually agree to come. A prime...

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Fast Times at McGill High (Numero Dos)

Dec. 20, 2014—The most stereotypically McGill-esque events have been the three coffeehouses/open mic nights this semester. During these marathons of outlets of unrestrained creative expression that last from 7 pm to well past midnight, the real McGill comes out.

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Inside the Course: B&W Film Photography

Mar. 30, 2014—Welcome to the second installment of “Inside the Course” where I give you an in depth look at a Vanderbilt course I’m currently taking. Today’s course is one I highly recommend: Arts 120: Introduction to B&W Photography. In high school, I took AP 2D Design and focused my work around photography–it’s something I’ve always enjoyed....

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