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‘panhellenic recruitment’

Hello from the Other Side (of Recruitment)

Jan. 26, 2016—Look at me, making a relevant pop culture reference. And also telling you what it's like being in a sorority, one year in.

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Why I’m Thankful for Vanderbilt Greek Life

Nov. 26, 2014—After going through recruitment at the beginning of my second semester at Vanderbilt, I became a sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma, but this post isn’t titled ‘Why I’m Thankful for Kappa’ for a reason. By the nature of Greek Life at Vanderbilt, Kappa wasn't the be-all and end-all of my experience, and for that I am truly thankful.

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Bid Day ’12!

Jan. 16, 2012—As I mentioned earlier in the week, Bid Day was yesterday! After a week of recruitment, freshmen (and some sophomores) were finally offered bids from one of the nine panhellenic sororities on campus.

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Go Greek

Jan. 12, 2012—This time last year, I was blogging about going through recruitment and joining a sorority. I hate to sound like a broken record but recruitment has taken up most of my free time for the last week, so I figured it would be the easiest thing to blog about.

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Bid Day!

Jan. 18, 2011—As Erica mentioned, last Sunday was Bid Day! I received an invitation to join Alpha Omicron Pi (AOII) and am now a baby panda! I figured I would outline the last week for anyone interested in recruitment wanting to know more.

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