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Gettin’ Corporate

Apr. 16, 2015—I'm in love with a minor... Wait, no, Vanderbilt's Corporate Strategy minor, obviously!!!!!

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A Peek into the Course Load

Dec. 19, 2014—Whew. My last fall semester at Vanderbilt is behind me, and I am overflowing with all of the feelz. Cue that sappy Vitamin C song. Some of the greatness of the past few months has been due to extracurriculars and just general being-a-senior-ness, but the majority of the credit goes to my spectacular Vandy courses. I don't normally take the time to walk through my class schedule or describe what my course load is like, but as I'm sitting here at home under the twinkly Christmas tree and as Michael Bublé quietly serenades me with I'll Be Home for Christmas, I'm feeling nostalgic. I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a little gushing.

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The Other “Extra Credit”

Nov. 20, 2014—As the marketing and advertising enthusiast that I am, I love an opportunity to think about connecting brands to people. In the last few months, I've had the honor of working with a group of four other Advanced Marketing students and my Marketing professor on a national marketing case competition through EdVenture Partners.

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Workin’ Hard For The Money

Nov. 9, 2014—Heather gets a job, and of course it involves food...

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Inside the Course: Advertising Studio

Mar. 22, 2014—You may remember my blog post earlier this semester about all of my courses. Well, I'd like to tell you some more specifics about one of my courses in a new series I'm starting called "Inside the Course." We'll see if it actually turns into a series, but basically I'm going to give you the inside look at exactly what I do in some of my classes here at Vanderbilt.

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Senior Year Begins with a Jump into the “Real World”

Sep. 7, 2010—Well… it’s happened… I have officially started my senior, and last, year at Vanderbilt University. Is it a bad thing that I was (and still am) extremely jealous of the freshman moving into their dorms a few weeks ago? Is it bad that I didn’t want everyone to come back to campus from their summer...

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