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Not My Parents’ Last Parents Weekend

Oct. 2, 2013—My parents came to parents weekend my first year at Vanderbilt, but they have not been to parents weekend since. Honestly, parents weekend is more crowded and busy than most, so my parents try and come when things are calmer (and they can hang out with all of my friends). This year, however, they decided to brave the crowds as it was my sister's first parents weekend.

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Family Time in Nashville!

Apr. 3, 2012—As I mentioned in my last post, my sister had her senior thesis show on March 23, the same night as AOII’s formal.  In honor of the occasion, my family came to Nashville!

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My 18 Thanksgivings

Nov. 18, 2010—Woah it got cold fast in Nashville! It was 75 last week, and now I’m in a sweater and boots! The Holiday season is among us… It is also the season of eating, eating a lot! During this past week I think I have had, or at least had the opportunity to have about 18...

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