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‘Late Night Studying’

My (Real) Vanderbilt Experience: It’s a Success (Sort of)

Mar. 7, 2016—It’s 2:00 AM and I’m at Stevenson Library. On my right are five research papers, newly printed and stapled. On my left is my planner, covered in writing. My head’s buzzing with all the stuff I have to do and I’m trying to keep everything under control. And one thought above all: College is so much harder than I thought it was.

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To Study or Not to Study: that is THE question…

Sep. 17, 2012— It was the last weekend of Shakespeare in the Park and I REALLY wanted to go. But, with my big biology exam coming up the next week, and two more exams, two quizzes and a large project, it wasn't actually an option.

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Favorite Study Spots

Oct. 11, 2011—As a college student one of the most important decisions you make on a regular basis is where to study. It truly is a personal choice, based on whether or not you need silence or a little bit of noise, whether you are studying alone or with a group, or whether you want to be comfortable...

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Late Night Study Sessions

Mar. 3, 2011—This week is the last week before Spring Break!  Of course, you know what that means.  Professors have decided to cram as many tests, papers, and homework assignments into these last few days as possible.  Nearly everyone I know is losing their mind, cramming in those last tidbits of information.  I guess this will make...

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