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‘inside the course’

Learning My ABCs: American Sign Language

Jan. 22, 2015—Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, I hug a pole. Not just because I love poles, but I also lock my bike around that pole before heading up to the eighth floor of the Bill Wilkerson Center.  Friends, if you are going to take a language here at Vandy, take American Sign Language. ASL has probably...

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Inside the Course: B&W Film Photography

Mar. 30, 2014—Welcome to the second installment of “Inside the Course” where I give you an in depth look at a Vanderbilt course I’m currently taking. Today’s course is one I highly recommend: Arts 120: Introduction to B&W Photography. In high school, I took AP 2D Design and focused my work around photography–it’s something I’ve always enjoyed....

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Inside the Course: Advertising Studio

Mar. 22, 2014—You may remember my blog post earlier this semester about all of my courses. Well, I'd like to tell you some more specifics about one of my courses in a new series I'm starting called "Inside the Course." We'll see if it actually turns into a series, but basically I'm going to give you the inside look at exactly what I do in some of my classes here at Vanderbilt.

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