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College Scholars Honors Seminars: The Microbiome to Italian Film

Oct. 26, 2015—Imagine my surprise when the counselor told me that instead of taking a FYWS (First-Year Writing Seminar), I could take an Honors Seminar instead, through the College Scholars Program! Oh, how I love the Cornelius Vanderbilt scholarship!

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Chin Up, Anchor Down

Sep. 17, 2013—Luckily I have yet to succumb to the sophomore slump, and looking back at the last month or so, I actually could not be happier to be back in this place of intellectual and social vitality, where racial appropriation in the latest pop music video is typical breakfast conversation, and long nights are trekked in...

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The Plight of the Hungry Sophomore

Aug. 24, 2011—Vanderbilt is a lot like the witch in Hansel and Gretel. When first you arrive as a freshman, Vanderbilt (heretofore known as “she“) begins to fatten you up, stuffing you with both numerous orientation and get-to-know-you events and a wealth of free food. The meal plan does not activate until the Monday before classes start,...

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