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‘how to survive finals week’

A Finals Week Survival Guide

Dec. 7, 2018—It is finally that time of year. The week of the semester that students dread more than any other. Finals week. All of the effort and studying that has been put into the semester culminates in this final week, where we will be pushed to be the best students we can be. As I sit...

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Here We Go Again

Dec. 2, 2010—The end of the year stress has officially hit.  You’d think by my fifth semester here I would be used to it by now. But no, it gets me every time.   Looking ahead the next couple of weeks is very overwhelming. Final papers, presentations, exams, oh my. Good news though: I don’t have to do...

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Thinking Positive

Apr. 29, 2010—Finals week always sounds dreadful.  As classes come to an end, work builds up.  Essays, projects, presentations, exams – the workload is never openly welcomed.  However, there can be a few good things about finals week…

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‘Tis the season to be…anxious!

Dec. 21, 2009—After a long and hard semester in Vandyland, now is the time that matters most. With finals out of the way, all that is left to do is wait… Wait to see if all of our hard work paid off. During the days leading up to the dreaded “finals week”, something strange happens. Each of...

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