‘how to survive finals’
The Final Final: Finals Week at Vandy!!!
Dec. 22, 2015—During a stay at Washington University at St. Louis for Multicultural Celebration Weekend, I stayed with six sophomores. As I walked around the dorm, one of them told me that her room reflected the state of her mind. During Finals week, she told me, she couldn’t even see her bed under all the clothes, papers, and books. Horrified, I swore that this would never be me.
Making it through Midterms: A 3-Step Survival Guide
Mar. 19, 2015—I am the newest back-to-back-to-back midterm CHAMP. Read on for my tips to make the most of what's otherwise the most miserable week of the year.
Bringing in the Best
Jan. 31, 2013—With our charismatic leader, James Franklin, entering his third year with the reigns of Vanderbilt Football, we take a look at his current recruiting success.
Finals Week
Dec. 22, 2009—Finals week: full of long days, late nights, caffeine, junk food, and plenty of stress. Some people are more fortunate than others when this week rolls around. I was one of the luckier few. With a presentation and test earlier in December, I was left with only a take home test and two finals as...