Medicine, Health & Society Major (MHS)
Oct. 15, 2019—If you’ve done any research on Vanderbilt, you probably know by now that we do not have a public health major. This initially posed a big problem for me because I have always been interested in health, wellness, and the disparities that come with health and medicine. I then discovered the Medicine, Health & Society...
Resources for Health and Wellbeing at Vanderbilt
Apr. 9, 2018—College is full of wonderful opportunities and activities with which students can get involved. However, during the four years of any undergraduate experience, there will undoubtedly be days when you get sick, are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or simply need to take a break from the bustle of classes and organizations. Luckily, Vanderbilt offers a...
Worried about the Freshman 15?
Oct. 16, 2017—Ah, the notorious freshman 15. We’ve all heard of it, and some of us may have even experienced it. According to human psychology, the freshman 15 can be explained in the sense that humans tend to eat more when given more food options, are placed in a social setting, and are generally happier. However, the...
How To Manage Stress Effectively
Apr. 4, 2017—It’s that time of year again. Finals are in a few weeks, professors are holding midterm after midterm, and upcoming recitals and concerts require hours of rehearsal. There are papers to write, applications to submit, and juries to practice for. At times like this, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. As such, I thought it’d be helpful to share...
Fighting Illness at Vanderbilt
Dec. 3, 2015—The month of November took me to the Student Health Center and Vanderbilt's ER.
Talk Healthy to Me
Feb. 1, 2015—“Is butter a carb?” asks Regina George in “Mean Girls.” The VanderBEANS set out to answer this question, and more. Last Tuesday, I joined the lovely people of Mayfield 19, a.k.a. VanderBEANS, for a panel-led discussion of nutrition for college students. The event, Talk Healthy to Me, featured guests Sarah Eanes, a Vanderbilt dietetic intern,...
To be a BEAN: Bettering Environmental Awareness and Nutrition
Jan. 25, 2015—This school year, a group of ten students is completing a Mayfield project on campus to learn how to produce and consume food in an environmentally-friendly manner. The VanderBEANS first examined their own eating habits, and then educated themselves by watching and discussing several documentaries such as Food, Inc. and King Corn. In October they spent...
Runner’s Guide to Nashville
Jan. 20, 2015—I really enjoy running. It gives me a way to unplug from school work and campus life for just enough time to get back to my dorm with a fresh mind and endorphins to help me get through many hours of reading for class, writing essays, and doing all those things on my to-do list....
Jae Goes to Bolivia [Part 1]
Jun. 3, 2014—I'm back. My adventures in Bolivia have come to an end. For the past month I have been staying in the city of Tarija, Bolivia where I have learned about the health care system within the country by observing several Bolivian physicians in both a clinical and hospital setting.