‘graduate school’
Late Senior Year Update
Jan. 28, 2020—Better late than never right? I can’t believe that I am currently in my last semester of undergrad at Vanderbilt. This first month has honestly already flown by, and I’m sure the rest of the semester will also pass quickly. But, here are a few quick updates on me! My Schedule I am taking five...
Senior Sophie Reflects: Premed then… Community Psychology? Why, Part I
Dec. 21, 2018—First I was premed. Then I was still premed, but I found another kind of graduate school...
Ever the Planner
Mar. 15, 2016—Sure, it has been a while since I've posted, but just you wait, there's content a-coming.
Undergraduate Research… Where at?
Oct. 31, 2015—I do research for academic credit and work about 15 hours a week. If you are interested in undergraduate research (what undergraduates do in labs, how to find research, etc.), read this post and shoot me an email if you have a question!
GRE (prep) for FREE
Nov. 11, 2013—If you ask me what I'm doing after graduation, you'll probably get one of two responses: 1) "no clue" or 2) "grad school." If I respond with "grad school," you'll inevitably ask for what, and then I will inevitably respond with "no clue."
Old School
Apr. 1, 2013—At the beginning of this semester I had no idea that I would be stepping out of my comfort zone and into one of the most intimidating academic settings I could've possibly imagined, but now I couldn't imagine spending my Tuesday and Thursday afternoons any other way.
Applications, Applications, Applications
Dec. 3, 2010—For the past two weeks, I’ve been doing applications for law schools and economics schools. My dream is to be able to do both and end up as a professor, whose specialty is economics and law; with these degrees, I’d also be a very powerful public policy consultant. I just finished my batch of law...