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How I Learned to Stop Worrying about STEM and Love Liberal Arts and AXLE

Sep. 5, 2017—Freshmen moving through the motions of the annual Commons Orientation ceremonies may notice that many of their peers have chosen to pursue some STEM major, perhaps even under a pre-med track.  At many universities across the country, especially those specifically catered to STEM fields, students are capable of focusing their entire undergraduate curriculum on these...

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The One Where Matthew Talks about His Classes

Feb. 5, 2017—[Disclaimer: I don’t actually talk about Friends, I just wanted to have a catchy title.] Continuing the excitement from the previous article, I’d like to talk about academics and residential life (which isn’t nearly as exciting, but stick with me on this)! There has been plenty in this realm to keep me busy, but I...

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The Road to Copenhagen

Oct. 21, 2016—A year ago, I would have told you there was no way I was spending one of my precious eight semesters as a Vanderbilt student away from campus. There were too many things to do at Vanderbilt, too many leadership positions in jeopardy, and too many friends I couldn’t live without. I couldn’t imagine walking...

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Classes Classes Classes

Oct. 15, 2016—Fall Break permits me to disengage from the normal onslaught of my classes' essays and reading assignments, so here I am, returned from the siege!

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How Cool is my Math Class?

Oct. 10, 2016—I’m currently taking a math methods course, which means that I’m learning how to teach math. And it has been AMAZING.

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What is a Practicum?

Mar. 12, 2016—In short, a practicum is part of an education major’s curriculum at Vanderbilt in order to get hands-on experience in the classroom.

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Let Me Tell You About the Education Major

Oct. 11, 2015—Now that I’m in my second year at Vanderbilt, I have a pretty standard list of points to hit when people ask me why I love my school.  Campus during the fall? Check. Being surrounded by cool people? Check. Eating at Bamboo Bistro, our on-campus pho restaurant? Check. The overwhelming amount of opportunities to get...

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I Kinda Like Mondays (Sometimes)

Mar. 23, 2015—There are four more weeks of class left in my first year at Vanderbilt. Wait, what? I guess it shouldn’t have caught me off guard, considering the fact that pretty much every adult I ever meet tells me that college will be the fastest four years of my life. Still, it’s hard to believe that...

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School is Cool. Like, Actually.

Dec. 6, 2014—So I just finished my last class of the semester. I am not an emotional person, but I swear to you, the last meetings of some of my classes made me irrationally sad. Maybe I’m really invested in my classes, or maybe I’m just a nerd, but regardless, I just need to take a moment...

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uMzantsi Afrika

Jul. 20, 2014—Since I still can't give a coherent answer to the question "How was South Africa?", I'm contenting myself with writing more detailed summaries. Enjoy this edition, featuring children, expectations v. reality, and WiFi drama »

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