A Chattanooga Send-Off
Aug. 20, 2013—A few days ago, I had to say bye to my Chattanooga home to return for Round 4 of Vandy fun. However, this time around my family and I took a more tourist approach to explore the city before move-in day.
Laptops: Yay or Nay
Aug. 9, 2013—Many of you might have read my last post with the question, what about my laptop? Can I bring that to class? Really, it depends on your professor. Some will allow it, others won't. It also depends on your class. Do you really need a laptop when you go to Financial Accounting to write out your debits and credits? Didn't think so. Here are some pros and cons of bringing your laptops to class.
The Freshmen Pre-Med Guide
Jun. 11, 2013—Are you about to enter Freshman year at Vanderbilt? Do you have plans of entering Medical School? I'm here to give you some tips and pointers as you begin your journey.
Feb. 24, 2013—With just one week before spring break, midterm season is upon us. I have two exams this week and a project due, but compared to some of my friends, I suppose I got off easy. Here is the short list of things standing between me and my beautiful family in sunny Miami Beach.
A Day in the Life of Eileen
Feb. 4, 2013—Okay I don’t want to scare anyone because this was an unusually busy day, but it was also a fun and unique one I’d like to share.
Dinner and Some Movies
Jan. 23, 2013—This weekend was a long weekend in observance on MLK Day. Monday was fully programmed with optional activities in observance of the holiday. I attended a watching and discussion of the Inauguration in Rand, for example. Because of the long weekend, I was able to indulge in dinner off campus and some movies.
Country Music 101
Jan. 12, 2013—Would you like to take the History of Country Music taught by a Grammy Nominated songwriter in Nashville, the "mecca" of Country Music, for a liberal arts requirement?
It’s All Over. How I Survived Finals.
Dec. 13, 2012—Today, I am coming to you from my kitchen table in warm and sunny Miami Beach. I'm sorry to brag, but nothing compares to the euphoria of finishing finals each semester. If I'm being honest, here, I will say that this semester my finals weren't actually that bad. But either way, finals are finals and I lived to tell the tale.
A Busy Few Weeks
Nov. 8, 2012—I’m so sorry for the short hiatus. It has just been a crazy few weeks. I can’t even begin to tell about all that has happened here since the last time I blogged. I guess then, I will just choose a few of my favorite things. 1. I only have one more test between now...
Guest Lecturer
Oct. 23, 2012—Today, in Rhetoric of the American Experience 1865-1945, we had a guest lecturer. Professor J. Michael Hogan, from Pennsylvania State University came to talk to our class about rhetoric and the Progressive era. Then, I also attended a talk that he gave later in the afternoon to the entire Communication Studies department.