A Chattanooga Send-Off
A few days ago, I had to say bye to my Chattanooga home to return for Round 4 of Vandy fun. However, this time around my family and I took a more tourist approach to explore the city before move-in day.

I guess since we DID have tourists among us, as my brother’s in-laws from Muscat were in town, the river boat tour was justified. It was a beautiful, oddly cool summer evening, and we got to watch the sun set over the gorgeous Tennessee river that runs through downtown Chattanooga. It was a peaceful 2 hour boat ride through some of the scenic sections of the city, so it was a really efficient way to show off the city to our visiting family members.

The following day, we decided to view Chattanooga by land as well, so we went atop Lookout Mountain to get a gorgeous view of the city. Chattanooga is a quaint little city, a perfect 2-hours away from Vanderbilt if the need to quickly get back home ever arose, and a wonderful place to call home. I always love being at home. While saying bye to family and friends was a little sad, saying hello to another year at Vandy only brings forth excitement for the adventures that are sure to ensure as soon as I step foot on campus.
Fast-forward to today: I’m hanging out in the room of Victoria, fellow blogger, first-year roommate, and current suite mate, as we enjoy our last school-free day before classes start tomorrow. (Insert gasps here). In true Vandy style, a lot has happened since I moved in 2 days ago.
More on the final days of freedom to come. Get excited.