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Introducing New Bloggers! – Part Two

Nov. 27, 2018—Inside ‘Dores just finished recruiting new student bloggers. Deniz and I are very excited to introduce them to you through this two-part post since we have a total of 16 new student bloggers! Here are the last eight:   Name: Zoë Browne Hometown: Westerville, OH Class: 2020 Major(s)/Minor(s): Special Education and Child Development Favorite on-campus...

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Apply to Blog for Inside ‘Dores!

Sep. 14, 2018—Have you enjoyed reading the Inside ‘Dores blogs? Do you want to talk about how much you love Vanderbilt? Then you should apply to write for Inside ‘Dores! Who Are We? Inside ‘Dores is a student organization that falls under the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (OUA). We are the official Vanderbilt student blog, and we...

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Meet our newest bloggers!

Mar. 3, 2017—We just finished our recruitment season for Inside ‘Dores this semester, and I am so excited to introduce our newest bloggers to you! ________________________________________________________ Name: Alex Rains Hometown: Richmond, Kentucky Class of: 2020 Major(s): Neuroscience and Psychology on the Pre-medical track Minor(s): Human and Organizational Development or Medicine, Health and Society or maybe French. I haven’t quite...

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In With The New!

Sep. 29, 2015—New bloggers make Heather feel old feelings. Warning: Very sentimental. I have feelings.

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A Procrastinator’s New Year’s Resolutions

Feb. 3, 2015—Upon the realization today that Lent is just around the corner, I figured that now would be the perfect time to pull out the half-written New Year's resolutions I started back in January. Lent is usually a time when I give up a bad habit or tack on a good habit to my routine to dig deeper into my faith, and many of my resolutions deal with kicking bad habits or challenging myself to step outside of my comfort zone. Half of them are silly, but as a silly person I feel like that's fair. There's no better time than right now to make this semester the most productive, most fun semester to date.

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Inside Inside ‘Dores

Dec. 23, 2013—Everyone has their own blogging style. Some write directly on WordPress, others write a draft on Microsoft Word and then copy-paste their final draft, and some do a combination of the two before they click "Publish." I, for one, occasionally peek in on others' saved drafts just to get a sneak preview of what the other blogger's vibe might be. And maybe sometimes, I may or may not leave a comment.

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Coolest Classes at Vandy: English 200

Dec. 6, 2013—With the semester coming to a close, it’s been a little hard to get in the holiday spirit with finals looming in the distance, but I had some help courtesy of Professor Amanda Little, who teaches one of the best classes I've taken at Vandy!

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Opportunities Abound

Feb. 12, 2013—There’s something you should know, dear Inside ‘Dores readers. One of my potential life career goals is to be a full-time blogger. I realize it’s not the most attainable or realistic of goals, but this week I came one step closer. Through a really awesome opportunity here at Vanderbilt, master blogger Nathan and myself now...

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First Years: Apply for Inside ‘Dores!

Jan. 7, 2013—I was tipped off about Inside ‘Dores halfway through my freshman year at Vanderbilt. A friend of mine who wrote for the blog at the time said the Admissions office was looking for people to write about their experiences at school. Sure, thought I, people would love to read about my life! Whether or not...

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