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Peabody College Category

Classes Classes Classes

Oct. 15, 2016—Fall Break permits me to disengage from the normal onslaught of my classes' essays and reading assignments, so here I am, returned from the siege!

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How Cool is my Math Class?

Oct. 10, 2016—I’m currently taking a math methods course, which means that I’m learning how to teach math. And it has been AMAZING.

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The Obligatory Philosophical Post

Sep. 17, 2016—Where do I even begin? I could ramble on about how nice it is to return to campus (though I’ve been back for nearly a month at this point), how despite the humidity and the heat, which now fade quite pleasantly into early autumn, I find no fault in this place, and how my classes...

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What's in a Semester?

Sep. 7, 2016—A comprehensive list and description of all my fall semester classes!

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Take Your Professor to Lunch

Mar. 23, 2016—Solving problems on campus and FREE food!

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Ever the Planner

Mar. 15, 2016—Sure, it has been a while since I've posted, but just you wait, there's content a-coming.

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Opportunities at Vandy: The Peabody Scholars program

Mar. 12, 2016—A little blurb on the wonderful opportunities in the Peabody Scholar Program! I strongly encourage anyone eligible to apply!

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What is a Practicum?

Mar. 12, 2016—In short, a practicum is part of an education major’s curriculum at Vanderbilt in order to get hands-on experience in the classroom.

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Back to School

Jan. 17, 2016—Second semester has officially started!

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The Five People You Meet During Finals

Dec. 18, 2015—And yes, those are my mechanism-covered whiteboards. I’m very proud of them. They helped me get a good grade in Orgo this semester, although I think they’re less Beautiful Mind and more like that scene in 21 Jump Street where Channing Tatum draws 4s all over the board in his Chemistry class

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