Nashville Category
Good Eats Part 2
Aug. 15, 2012—We all know I like to eat, and since I’ve already written about my favorite places on campus, today I’m going to write about my favorite restaurants off-campus. Most of these are within walking distance of campus and are great places to stop by with the fam (like the night before Move-In Day!).
A Final Video Chat
Aug. 12, 2012—A couple of nights ago, Ashlin and I finished up our summer “book club” with a much-overdue Skype session and discussion of the end of The Shining. (read all about that endeavor here.)
Let the Countdown Begin
Aug. 9, 2012—I finished my summer classes about a week ago, it is now August, and the countdown to returning to Vanderbilt has begun!
Big Easy Express
Jul. 24, 2012—Yesterday evening, some of my friends and I went to the Belcourt Theatre in Hillsboro Village, right next to Vanderbilt, to attend a FREE screening of Big Easy Express, a documentary about a train tour by Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes (who played at Rites of Spring two years ago), and...
Apartment Time! — A Blank Canvas
Jul. 24, 2012—Vanderbilt generally likes its students to live on campus all 4 years because of the sense of community, but seniors (and this year juniors and sophomores because of the construction of the new Kissam College Halls) are allowed to apply to live off campus. This past weekend, I moved into my new apartment and I...
Goodbye Currey, Hello Chaffin
Jul. 23, 2012—You might remember this post on living in Kissam Quad. Well, Kissam Quad now looks a little like this so unless you are reading this post a year or so into the future, you can see why I will no longer be living there. However, this is nothing to mourn over because while I will...
Nearby Wonders: Mammoth Cave
Jul. 9, 2012—There are tons of awesome places to go and sights to see around Nashville, so this weekend, a few friends of mine and I decided to trek drive 1 hour and 40 min from good ol’ Nashville, TN all the way to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It was an awful hot and humid midsummer day,...
Nashville Sans Studies
Jun. 30, 2012—This is more than a little bit overdue, but time got away from me! After Victoria and I returned to Nashville from our adventures in Kentucky in May, we had nearly a week before we returned to our respective homes. We took advantage of this and explored Nashville!
National Acclaim for Nashville’s Food Scene!
Jun. 27, 2012—Check it out! The New York Times featured an article about local food in Nashville, or specifically East Nashville. I know I’ve blogged about the great food around campus…but Nashville has so much more to offer — and now NYT readers around the world know it too!