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Reliving the SATs
Jul. 8, 2012—If you're reading this as a potential Vanderbilt student (or as an admitted one), you know the woes of SAT and ACT prep. You know about sitting for several hours in cold rooms to take the tests that help determine your future college. This summer, I've taken the time to re-live these standardized tests--and I'm actually enjoying it.
Vanderbilt Undergraduate Summer Research Program
Jun. 8, 2012—The Vanderbilt Undergraduate Summer Research Program is pretty self-explanatory….it is a summer research program for undergraduates at Vanderbilt! Okay, but really…it is a program that students apply to (usually for the summer after junior year, but sometimes after sophomore year) that allows them to do research in any field (to apply, you submit your project...
What’s in store for semester four…
Jan. 21, 2012—The second week of second semester is already nearly over! I can’t quite believe it—and clearly time has flown by so quickly that I haven’t had time to blog (I’m making it up to you with a catchy title for this post)! Here’s the lowdown on what I’ll be doing this semester so you can...
Vanderbilt Career Center
Jan. 17, 2012—So I’m currently in the midst of applying for summer internships and I have found the whole process to be rather stressful. The Vanderbilt Career Center has been an awesome resource for me and has lessened my anxiety significantly.
Tortellini Tuesday Revisited: An Insider’s View
Nov. 30, 2011—Last year, one of my friends and fellow bloggers, Ryan, wrote about Tortellini Tuesday. In fact, he even mentioned me! It’s because I work for Vanderbilt Dining to fulfill my work study allotment.
Undergraduate Research at Vanderbilt
Nov. 27, 2011—For the past 2 and a half years of my college career, I have been working in a structural biology lab for credit. The various departments at Vanderbilt each have their own way of incorporating undergraduate research into their curriculum, whether they be science or humanities related. I am currently in the process of concluding...
Habitat for Humanity: Commodore Trot 5k
Nov. 26, 2011—Vanderbilt’s Habitat for Humanity chapter annually hosts a 5k (3.1 miles) run/walk fundraiser called the Commodore Trot. All proceeds from the race go to benefit the chapter’s build fund, which will be used to sponsor a Habitat house under Vanderbilt’s name.
The Tree of Choices
Nov. 21, 2011—To my high school-aged readers: Think about college right now. Did it induce a little bit of decision-based panic? If so, I totally understand, and have some bad news for you: It will get worse.
Guest Blog by Brett Good ’11
Sep. 4, 2011—Hello everyone. I’m sorry I’m not Laura, who I’m sure provides much more insightful and interesting blog posts than I ever could. My name is Brett Good, and Laura was kind enough to allow me to guest blog. I graduated from Vanderbilt this past May in the College of Arts and Science. Currently I work...
College World Series (continued)
Aug. 23, 2011—The next morning, we woke up at 7:30, and ate breakfast, which was catered for us every morning (pancakes, fruit, eggs, bacon). By 8:30, we were out the door, all of us wearing khaki shorts and various Rawlings Baseball shirts.