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Reliving the SATs

Posted by on Sunday, July 8, 2012 in Academics, Exams, General Information, Jobs, Student Life, Summer.

If you’re reading this as a potential Vanderbilt student (or as an admitted one), you know the woes of SAT and ACT prep. You know about sitting for several hours in cold rooms to take the tests that help determine your future college. This summer, I’ve taken the time to re-live these standardized tests–and I’m actually enjoying it.

Revolution Prep: The best company for test prep. I'm clearly not the least bit biased.

First off, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Last summer I taught SAT and ACT prep and really liked the experience, so this year I accepted a position as a director for my second summer with Revolution Prep. The job opportunity is one of the coolest I’ve found for college students who want to go home for the summer–you’re essentially running your own branch of Revolution Prep in your hometown.

Since this is my second summer doing this, things got off to an even faster start. I was able to use some of my previous connections and am currently teaching a small group as well as doing some individual tutoring! I’ve had to refresh myself on SAT math (I haven’t taken a math course in two years), but otherwise it has been really fun helping prep students who are in the same position I was a few years ago for the awesomeness of college.

I got this position through an e-mail to my Vanderbilt inbox second semester freshman year. I was initially unsure about how legitimate the job was, but after looking into it and going through the application process, it turned out to be an invaluable experience! And I’m not the only Vanderbilt student doing this–in fact, this past semester I got to sit down with a freshman at Vandy who was interested and chat about the job opportunity–it was really neat to pass down what I learned from my from my first year on the job to a fellow Vanderbilt student.

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