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Fall Break Category

Baahston: Part 1

Oct. 13, 2012—I’m 1 week out from Fall Break, and I’m really not quite sure what the proper turnaround time is for a blog post from the time the event actually happened, but this was too fun of a trip for me not to share with the world, so please prepare for awesomeness.

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To the Reds!

Oct. 11, 2012—Fall break, I thank you for your timely arrival amidst papers, practicing, and peril from sleep deprivation. On Wednesday, Dmitri and I practically skipped to the BCM to head out of town, loading up with a whopping forty-two other people onto one bus, one mini-van, and four cars to road trip all the way to Cincinnati!

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It’s All (Relational)

Oct. 11, 2012—Happy October everyone! With another Fall Break in the books and school back in full swing, I thought I’d take a quick second to touch on a cornerstone of college that often goes taken for granted: relationships. This past Fall Break, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time with my family in addition...

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Fall is here!

Oct. 9, 2012—As I’m sure many of you know, this past weekend was Vandy’s fall break. And it definitely ushered in the frigid fall weather that we’re all now experiencing...

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Fall break!

Oct. 8, 2012—This fall break, I decided to visit Atlanta with a bunch of my friends in Vanderbilt.

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Fall Break in the Smokies

Oct. 8, 2012—Keeping with my 3 year tradition of spending Fall Break leading an Outdoor Recreation trip to the Smokey Mountains to go backpacking, I headed out this past weekend with a van full of new faces and came back with a van full of new friends. It may sound cheesy, but it’s true. There’s just no...

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An Uneventful (but great) Break

Oct. 7, 2012—Over the next few days, you all will probably be inundated with stories of home, fun trips, and other tales of adventure from my fellow bloggers. From me, however, expect stories of baking, movies, and sleep.

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A Nashville Fall Break

Oct. 6, 2012—This fall break I decided to stay on campus for a few reasons. The main reason was that there was really no point in going home for 4 days when my friends are at school across the country. Another reason is that my parents and my brother are coming to Nashville next weekend for family...

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Home Sweet Home

Oct. 5, 2012—I am writing this at my living room table, cup of coffee in one hand and my dog lying next to me. Why, you ask? Because I'm currently enjoying fall break at home in Chicago

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The Chillaxing To-Do List: What to do over Fall Break…

Oct. 3, 2012—Staying at Vanderbilt over fall break? No need to be bored...there is only room for more fun! Here is my Top Ten things I am going to do this Fall Break. All are not to be missed.

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