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Asian New Year Festival: A Dancer’s Perspective

Feb. 25, 2015—Asian New Year Festival, colloquially called ANYF, is a massive dance performance held each year in Langford Auditorium to celebrate Chinese New Year. After performing in Diwali last semester, I was eager to get back up on the Langford stage in a shiny costume, so ANYF came at the perfect time.

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A Procrastinator’s New Year’s Resolutions

Feb. 3, 2015—Upon the realization today that Lent is just around the corner, I figured that now would be the perfect time to pull out the half-written New Year's resolutions I started back in January. Lent is usually a time when I give up a bad habit or tack on a good habit to my routine to dig deeper into my faith, and many of my resolutions deal with kicking bad habits or challenging myself to step outside of my comfort zone. Half of them are silly, but as a silly person I feel like that's fair. There's no better time than right now to make this semester the most productive, most fun semester to date.

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Swanky Girls Night: Holiday Edition

Dec. 20, 2014—If there is anything that you should know about my group of girl friends, it's that we are bursting with swagger and class. The best way to celebrate this level of swagger is through festive gatherings, something that my friend Vicky and I know all too well. That is why when Vicky texted me over Thanksgiving Break proposing the co-hosting of a holiday get-together of the swanky girls, the only possible answer was "absolutely."

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A Peek into the Course Load

Dec. 19, 2014—Whew. My last fall semester at Vanderbilt is behind me, and I am overflowing with all of the feelz. Cue that sappy Vitamin C song. Some of the greatness of the past few months has been due to extracurriculars and just general being-a-senior-ness, but the majority of the credit goes to my spectacular Vandy courses. I don't normally take the time to walk through my class schedule or describe what my course load is like, but as I'm sitting here at home under the twinkly Christmas tree and as Michael Bublé quietly serenades me with I'll Be Home for Christmas, I'm feeling nostalgic. I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a little gushing.

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Dec. 19, 2014—*Guest blog by Dave Bruns, a dear friend and fellow senior at Vanderbilt with mischievous tendencies. Here’s a story about one of his recent pranks gone wrong. There is nothing I love more than a good prank. The look on someone’s face when you fill their shoes with catfish bait or fill their bed with...

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Confession: Finals Week is My Favorite

Dec. 12, 2014—Now don't go yelling at me just yet. Hear me out. I dislike taking finals as much as the next yahoo, but I can't get enough of finals week itself. Imagine a time when all of your friends are close by, study breaks are many and encouraged, and the parade of coffee, desserts, and junk food is endless. Welcome to finals week.

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Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

Nov. 29, 2014—My excitement in seeing high school friends has not waned over the years because we share the special bond of having gone through adolescence together, and though there's no denying that our relationships with one another are different, we still get each other. This is why you keep old friends.

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7 Questions to Stop Asking Your College Student

Nov. 27, 2014—Upon being home for several days, it has dawned on me that not every conversation back home is created equal. The reality of being home for college students is that there are many acquaintances and high school friends' moms' cousins' aunts to answer to when the barrage of career and education-related questions are inevitably hurled our way. It's good to ask university-folk about what they've been up to, but here are a few things to consider not asking around the dinner table this holiday. Your sleep-deprived college student will thank you.

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The Other “Extra Credit”

Nov. 20, 2014—As the marketing and advertising enthusiast that I am, I love an opportunity to think about connecting brands to people. In the last few months, I've had the honor of working with a group of four other Advanced Marketing students and my Marketing professor on a national marketing case competition through EdVenture Partners.

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Blazers and Résumés and Keeping My Sanity

Oct. 26, 2014—As a senior at Vanderbilt, I am constantly plagued with the “What are your plans after graduation, again?” question. It’s not that I’m sick of it — it’s just that I am still asking myself that same question. I don’t know my plans, world! One of the main reasons I chose Vanderbilt my senior year...

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