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Spontaneous Goodness: SEC Men’s Basketball Final Four

Mar. 18, 2013—This weekend was one for the books. Friday night I planted myself on my bed to watch the SEC Men’s Basketball tournament coverage on my seldom-used television after a day of relaxation and running at the park. It was the hour of greatness: after a season full of “almosts” and “could-haves,” the Vanderbilt Men’s basketball...

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The Weekend That Keeps On Giving

Feb. 24, 2013—Hello folks! I apologize for my long-term absence. The bar is higher this semester all around—so I had to make sure my FIRST BLOG POST OF 2013 is/was the best thing you have ever read, which means I had to step up my game in the “living life” department. And it goes a little something...

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Fall Finale

Dec. 15, 2012—Today marks the official last day of the Fall Semester! Woo hoo! Though I made my way back home earlier in the week, I figured now is a good time as any to do some reflecting on the semester past and things to look forward to in the semester to come. Fall: 1)   Large quantities...

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Things to Avoid During Finals Week

Dec. 10, 2012—Well, folks, I have survived Day 1 of the ominous FINALS WEEK. Hooray! Though many of my fellow bloggers have commented on things TO DO and other nifty tips to make it through the often tumultuous finals time, I will offer a commentary on THINGS TO AVOID to make your future finals week experience more...

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The Radio City Rockettes!

Dec. 5, 2012—Last weekend I fulfilled a childhood dream: I witnessed an absolutely incredible performance by the Radio City Rockettes, right here in Nashville, at the Grand Ole Opry. To say my mind was blown would be an understatement. But this tale deserves some prefacing…. Ever since I was a little girl, every Thanksgiving Day I would...

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“You look like the little boy from UP!”

Oct. 25, 2012—“You look like the little boy from UP!” This was the text I got from one of my dear friends as I was strolling around campus this afternoon. To preface this, I guess I should mention I had one small red ballon tethered to my backpack for the majority of the day (if only I...

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It’s All (Relational)

Oct. 11, 2012—Happy October everyone! With another Fall Break in the books and school back in full swing, I thought I’d take a quick second to touch on a cornerstone of college that often goes taken for granted: relationships. This past Fall Break, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time with my family in addition...

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The Beginning of Fall, Nissans, and Foodtrucks

Sep. 26, 2012—Well, it is official folks. It is SWEATER SEASON! As much as I loved the summer weather, I am ready for things to cool down a little bit. Not a fan of sweating when I am walking to class–bleh. In honor of the beginning of this wonderful season, a couple lovely ladies of the Catholic FOCUS...

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The Ladies at Last Drop Coffee Shop!

Aug. 27, 2012—I’m sure my other posts have echoed this time and time again, but the people at Vanderbilt add another dimension to the school experience. Case in point: The Ladies of the Last Drop Coffee Shop Now, this may not be news to people who frequent the small, modern-with-a-timeless-flair coffee shop located in the basement of...

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Commons is ALIVE!

Aug. 18, 2012—After an entire summer suffering empty dorms, quiet afternoons, and un-played with lawns, the subtle life that has ruled the Commons has been thwarted by the Class of 2016! Yes, today was the highly anticipated Commons move-in day. Convoys of Vanderbilt family cars infiltrated every parking lot, the madness of the move commencing at 7AM...

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