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Nancy Liu ’20


Hi! I’m Nancy, an upperclassman from the suburbs of Atlanta in the class of 2020. I’m here to share my Vanderbilt experiences with you all in order to inspire you to apply here, hopefully get in, and decide to attend for reasons other than Vanderbilt’s newest ranking in US News.

A little bit about me: I’m majoring in Medicine, Health, and Society with the hopes of attending medical school to become an infectious disease doctor/epidemiologist. I find germs super fascinating and want to help control global disease outbreaks in the future.

At Vanderbilt, I’m involved in research at the medical center, the Vanderbilt Institute of Global Health, and MEDLIFE (Medicine, Education, and Development for Low-Income Families Everywhere).

But since I’m here to share my experiences in order to help you, let’s talk about you! Shoot me an email at and I’ll be glad to answer any questions you have about Vanderbilt, college in general, or if you just want to chat! But really, I’d like to know that I’m not just talking to myself on here. 

My recent posts: