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Senior Year Bucket List

Posted by on Sunday, September 8, 2019 in College Life, Culture, Dance, Dance, Diversity, Extracurriculars, Food, General Information, Movies, Music, Nashville, New Year, Student Leadership, Student Life, Student Organizations, VUcept.

As senior year gets rolling, there are a number of things I want to accomplish before the end of the year. To be completely honest, some of these are borrowed from my junior year bucket list as there were a handful of activities that I didn’t end up doing (sometimes life gets in the way and things are busier than anticipated)! So, without further ado, here are some of my bucket list items for the year:

  1. Watch the sunrise/sunset on Love Hill- Love Hill is known for its beautiful view of Nashville, and I’m a real sucker for sunrises and sunsets, so I just have to. Throw in some friends and it seems like the perfect equation for a great day.
  2. Get dinner at the Catbird Seat- this is easily one of coolest, most innovative restaurants in Nashville, and is a really cool environment where diners are actively interacting with the staff throughout the meal. In all honesty, I’ve had this selected as my dinner spot for graduation since my first year at Vanderbilt (this says a lot about my priorities).
  3. Go to Lonnie’s- Lonnie’s is a famed spot for karaoke among first-year students at Vanderbilt, and somehow, I have managed to miss every opportunity to go despite my status as a senior. I’m not going to lie, I have doubts about whether I can convince my friends to undertake this project with me.
  4. Participate in a cultural showcase- The Diwali Showcase, Café Con Leche, Harambee, the Lunar New Year Festival, and more- there are so many ways to get involved with different cultures at Vanderbilt and participating as a dancer in one of the showcases is easily one of the best ways.
  5. Go cliff jumping at Percy Priest Lake- I actually did this earlier in the semester and would highly recommend giving it a try if you can! The water is incredible and there’s about a two-mile hike to the lake which is a perfect way to spend a morning/afternoon. I went when it was a little overcast and nobody else was really there which was absolutely incredible.
  6. Visit Franklin- Franklin is a small town with a beautiful historic area just outside of Nashville with a lot of local culture. I’ve had several friends speak about spending a day just walking around Franklin and they cannot speak highly enough of it, so I’d like to do the same one weekend.

While there are a million other things on my bucket list for the remainder of my time at Vanderbilt, I think I’ll stop my list there for the sake of time. If you have any suggestions for things I should do before I graduate or have questions about life at Vanderbilt, feel free to contact me at

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