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Big News…

Posted by on Sunday, September 29, 2019 in College Life, General Information, Pre-Med, Pre-Med, Student Life, Studying.

I got accepted to medical school!!!

As I type this phrase inside of a bustling coffee shop, I still can’t fully believe that it’s real. It feels like not so long ago I was stressing about gen chem, into bio, organic chem, and biochem midterms without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. But I’m here to tell you that the hard studying, the sleepless nights, skipping some social events pays off in the end!

I know, I know. Simply getting into medical school is far from the end in the long journey that it takes to become a practicing physician, but it certainly does feel like a nice break in the marathon where I can finally take the time to relax, breathe, enjoy the scenery, and reflect on how far I’ve come.

Pre-med at Vandy is definitely not easy, but it’s not impossible either. A little secret? Grades aren’t everything! Although it is important to do your best in your classes, especially pre-med courses, it is not the end all be all. Besides GPA, medical schools care about MCAT scores, but also, what you do outside of the classroom. If it was only about the numbers, then anyone who could do well on tests could become a doctor. But a career in medicine needs people who care about people.

There is no “best activity” or “best resume experience.” What matters is that you find opportunities outside of coursework that allow you to develop leadership and communication skills, contribute to things you are passionate about, and have fun. Because if you aren’t enjoying it, why do it? Sure, I didn’t always enjoy having to study for various classes and ultimately the MCAT, but when I thought about the big picture, and what I envisioned my life looking like, it reminded me of why I was doing it all in the first place. It’s easy to get discouraged, but the important thing is to keep going without forgetting your why and making the best out of every step in the journey.

For me, the application process went a lot less stressful than most of my pre-med peers, who are mostly still applying and interviewing. Since I knew that I definitely wanted to go to the medical school in my hometown, I applied there early decision this summer. I interviewed 2 weeks ago, and got the letter of acceptance less than a week after! So now, I can enjoy the rest of my senior year knowing that my plans for next year are set.

Actual footage of me reading my acceptance letter:



If you have any questions or want to learn more about pre-med, the application process, the MCAT, interviewing, etc, please let me know!

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