Transfer Q&A
2016 transfer decisions are currently rolling, so I thought that this would be a good time for me to answer some questions. I’ve received a couple of emails over the past week and thought that everyone should be able to see my responses. Remember, my answers to these questions are based on my opinion and my experiences.

Q: What were your reasons for transferring from your first college?
A: I transferred from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after my freshman year because I was not a fan of the size of the school. Often times, I felt as if I was a number, and that bothered me because I went to a relatively small high school and knew everyone there. Vanderbilt still feels like a big school; however, it does not feel nearly as big as my old school. At Vanderbilt, I am guaranteed to see multiple faces that I recognize and can say hi to every time that I leave my room. That’s probably one of the best things about Vanderbilt for me.
I was also looking for an academic upgrade, and I changed my major.
Q: What is the transfer admissions process like?
A: The transfer admissions process is rolling. I think that decisions come out every Friday and will last until about the end of May. I’m not so sure about what they look for in an applicant, but, obviously, good grades and SAT/ACT scores help.
Q: Was it easy to adjust to Vanderbilt campus life, and what are you currently involved in?
A: It was hard to adjust to Vanderbilt life at first. It was a little overwhelming to start over again because I made some great friends at my old school and didn’t know anyone at Vanderbilt when I transferred. For the first month, I felt pretty lost and was frustrated because I didn’t know that many people. But, I eventually joined a bunch of clubs and met friends through class and parties, and it got so much better— it just took some time. I think that transferring, in general, is tough at first no matter where you transfer to, so I don’t think that my struggles had anything to do with Vanderbilt per say.
I am currently involved in Greek life, APO/AWB/ASB (service organizations), and research. I like to keep pretty busy. It’s super easy to get involved on campus, you just have to sign up for stuff and commit to it.
Q: What do you think about rushing as a transfer?
A: Rushing is probably a good idea for transfers because it’s a good way to meet a lot of new people. It’s not a necessity if that is not your scene, but you definitely should join other clubs if you don’t or you’ll probably feel a little lonely— mainly because friend groups are pretty much formed by freshmen year for many students and organizations are a great way to break in.
Q: How academically challenging is Vanderbilt?
A: I knew that Vanderbilt was a great school, but I underestimated how hard classes would be. They’re manageable but more difficult than what I experienced with my old school. I took 17 credits my first semester and struggled academically as a result. I would recommend taking it easy the first semester in order to adjust.
Any other questions? Email me at! I will be a transfer student orientation leader (TSOL) again in the fall, so I’m willing to do whatever I can to help.
-Jeff Yung