I Kinda Like Mondays (Sometimes)
There are four more weeks of class left in my first year at Vanderbilt.
Wait, what? I guess it shouldn’t have caught me off guard, considering the fact that pretty much every adult I ever meet tells me that college will be the fastest four years of my life. Still, it’s hard to believe that I am 25% done with my time here.

But shh. Let’s not talk about that. My philosophy is to just take it day by day, and in honor of that, here’s a look at what a (crazy, jam-packed) typical day looks like for me.
Monday, March 16
8:00 – BREAKFAST AT COMMONS. One of the many highlights of my day. I got my daily mango-peach-pineapple smoothie. If you’re on campus, you MUST try it. It’s not optional.
10:00 – Ethics class. We discussed cool ethic-y things like Kant and the categorical imperative and all that good stuff. Even though the class is fairly big by Vanderbilt standards (around 100 students), there are plenty of opportunities to ask deep questions. In fact, it’s highly encouraged by my professor, who resorts to strange tactics like randomly rubbing his knee in order to try to convince us to raise our hands.
11:00 – Grabbed a quick snack at Central Library Café, aka home of delicious soups, sandwiches, and some of the best coffee on campus. I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that I’ve probably been to the library café more than I’ve been to the actual library. I promise I study though. Just like, not in the library.
11:30 – Volunteering with Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science (VSVS). This is only of my favorite volunteer organizations on campus. Basically, three other students and I go to a local middle school and teach a science lesson to one of the classes. Usually we do cool experiments. Sometimes they involve explosions. The kids love it.

2:00 – Headed back to Commons for a meeting with my professor to work on my essay about innate and environmental factors affecting Harry Potter’s development. Yeah, you read that right.
3:30 – Trekked back to main campus to get picked up for even more volunteering with Vanderbilt Begin with Books. Unlike with VSVS, I work with just one student on improving literacy and writing skills. My girl is probably the cutest and most excitable little 1st grader in all of Nashville.
5:30 – Returned to campus and headed to the Alpha Delta Pi house for dinner and then chapter. We ate delicious food together, and then all of the members of Vandy ADPi gathered together to discuss upcoming events and other fun stuff involving Greek Life.
7:30 – Casually jogged back to Memorial House for my House Advisory Council meeting. I’m vice president of the best house on Commons, so every Monday, I meet with my fellow student leaders, as well as my RAs and Faculty Head of House to talk about house programs that we want to put on for our friends/housemates. I know I’ve pretty much said this about everything I do here, but I love HAC (The fact that my Faculty Head of House makes us cookies on the regular helps). We’re currently planning a HUGE Bonnaroo-inspired music festival, complete with student performers, a photo booth, a yoga station, a food truck, and much more.
9:00 – On most Mondays, we have S’Memorial, which is our weekly house event where we eat snacks and catch up with each other after a long day. This week, though, we skipped S’Memorial in preparation for our joint house event with Murray House (they’re okay I guess) for St. Patrick’s Day. While it was sad not to have S’Memorial, it also gave me a chance to start my homework a little earlier than usual.

So that was my Monday this week. I admit that it’s A LOT, but I really do enjoy it all. And with just a few weeks left of this year, I’m more than happy to get the most out of every hour.