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Swanky Girls Night: Holiday Edition

Posted by on Saturday, December 20, 2014 in College Life, General Information, Student Life.

If there is anything that you should know about my group of girl friends, it’s that we are bursting with swagger and class. The best way to celebrate this level of swagger is through festive gatherings, something that my friend Vicky and I know all too well. That is why when Vicky texted me over Thanksgiving Break proposing the co-hosting of a holiday get-together of the swanky girls, the only possible answer was “absolutely.”

Vicky is a close friend of mine and recent graduate of Vanderbilt, a former blogger who introduced me to Inside ‘Dores and who has been by my side throughout my entire college career. When she graduated and decided to stay in Nashville to work, I was thrilled, because this meant we could continue our weekly Starbucks “Twinsie” dates and I wouldn’t have to say goodbye to a girl who had become like my older sister. Vicky lives in a little apartment/house thing 15 minutes from campus by herself, so her house is the perfect location for cute gatherings. In the fall, she threw a fall-themed party for a handful of BCM girls to see her new place, drink homemade cider, and eat pumpkin muffins. Vicky loves any occasion to buy matching napkins or colorful paper straws. After all, they make for a great background in the inevitable Instagram.

At this point, I'm sure you're not surprised that Victoria loves candles and centerpieces as well.

Because Vicky and I have done many the advertising group project together, we know how we work best together. I am the ideas person and she is the implementor. The theme I came up with for the holiday party was “Christmas at Grandma’s.” Think cuddles, onesies, warm cookies, cocoa, and crafting. We told everyone to wear their pajamas or their most comfortable clothes and to bring craft supplies.

We drove a few cars of BCM girls over to Vicky’s house to find a magical holiday wonderland awaiting. Vicky had set up a hot cocoa bar complete with toppings and fun mugs, and an hour-long YouTube video of a fireplace burning played in the corner. I played my Christmas Spotify playlist while people took the short tour of Vicky’s place, munched on cookies and popcorn, and made various Christmas crafts like cards and ornaments.

Even the walls were festive.

Fellow blogger Ann and I transformed Vicky’s door into a snowman, and we were quite proud of our handiwork.

Knock Knock. Who's There? AN ADORABLE SNOWMAN.

MK got a hold of Ann’s fancy camera and took countless close-up photos of the people at the party. Here is just a small sampling of MK’s photography.

A horrifying montage of my face, my cow onesie, and a smiley face mug.

In the midst of finals craziness, we were all thankful for a little respite at Vicky’s house in the form of steaming cups of cocoa and genuine laughter with friends. I have been so blessed with the friendships I’ve made with some of the girls at Vanderbilt, especially Vicky, who know what it’s like to be 19-22 years old and who appreciate a nice Pinterest craft.

The best friends a girl could ask for.

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