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First Semester Highlights

Posted by on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 in College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, International Student, Student Life, Year in Review.

Hey guys! So here we are: the end of my first semester at Vanderbilt and my final Inside ‘Dores blog post of the year. I’ve had such an awesome time over the past four months and I can hardly believe that my first semester is over already! So for this final post, I’d like to take a look back at a few of the highlights of my time at Vandy so far…

  • Meeting my lovely roommate, Jules!
    One of the things I was most apprehensive about before getting to Vandy was the idea of living with a roommate. I’ll do a more in-depth blog on this topic later but, as it turns out, I had nothing to worry about at all! Shout out to Jules: I miss ya roomie, can’t wait to see you again in January :)

  • Class of 2018 Celebration
    As a treat, in August, Vanderbilt took the Class of 2018 out to the Country Music Hall of Fame for a night of fun and celebration. It was a great way to meet new friends and unwind after our first full week of classes.

  • Meeting my awesome VUceptor, Madelin, and the rest of Group 46!
    Vanderbilt Visions was a great experience, made even better by having such a cool VUceptor. Visions allowed me to meet a bunch of different people and I’ve made some really good friends through it.

  • My first ever Thanksgiving!
    You can check out my other blogs here and here where I wrote about my first Thanksgiving experience. Two word summary: food heaven.

  • Seeing my sister for the first time in three months and our night out at The Bluebird Cafe
    Click here for more info!

  • Going home for the first time in four months!
    This one’s a bit bittersweet. On the one hand, I really didn’t want to leave Vanderbilt and say goodbye to all my new friends for Winter Break but on the other hand I was so excited to go home and see my old friends and family after such a long time!

To the new members of the Class of 2019 – get pumped, this will be you in less than a year!

To those of you who have yet to get your Vanderbilt applications in – this could be you in less that a year!  I know the last few months of applying to college have been tough but you’re almost at the end now. Apply to Vandy: I promise you won’t regret it.

So this is me over and out for this year. I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a great start to 2015. Best of luck with your applications and, as always, Anchor Down! See y’all next year!

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