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Public Art and The Kefi Project

Posted by on Sunday, October 19, 2014 in Art, Extracurriculars, Student Organizations.

It’s time to introduce one of the standout student orgs on campus: The Kefi Project.

If you’re not familiar with Kefi, we’re to blame for poetry in unexpected places, water-bottle chandeliers, and so many parasols. The Greek word kefi (κέφι) conveys a spirit of joy, passion, enthusiasm and high-spirited living.

I got involved in the Project last year with Bottled, which partnered with another student org, Students Promoting Environmental Awareness and Responsibility (SPEAR). I’m in SPEAR and I was interested in Kefi, so I helped with painting the bottles. (It’s that easy to join in!)

Photo credit to The Kefi Project

This semester, I’m involved in more projects, and right now we’re in the midst of two major installations, STAT and HAUNTED.

STAT: Stand Against Stigma
The first project relates to mental health awareness: on Tuesday this week, we’re getting over 400 people to wear one of three different t-shirts on Vanderbilt’s campus, and each one represents a different statistic. According to Kefi, “the total number of people wearing these shirts will function as a visual representation of the proportion of young adults who are tackling these issues.” This project is supported in part by the Psychological & Counseling Center (PCC), which offers many mental health resources to students.

If you’re going to be on campus on Tuesday and you’d like to participate, sign up here.

I designed these so DO IT

HAUNTED: What Are You Afraid Of?
The second project is inspired by Halloween, but it’s a little more personal: it’s about fear. Kefi wants to know about that one thing that makes you actually shiver––not the thing that you worry hangs out under your bed, but the one that lurks in a place where it is a little harder to switch on the lights: your mind.

Submit your fear here.

AND if you’re interested in joining Kefi, go here to learn how to become a member.

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