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A Day in the Life of Eileen, Part 2

Posted by on Thursday, September 26, 2013 in Academics, College Life, General Information.

After describing a typical day for me last February, I figured I’d do it again this semester!

  • 9-10am: Anatomy and Physiology–We’ve started to learn about different types of bones, which I don’t know much about but have always been curious since I’m a big fan of the tv show Bones.
  • 10:30-11:30am: Big Brothers Big Sisters–Because my little sister from the past two years is now in high school (and therefore ineligible for the program), I was matched with a new little sister for the next year! She’s in the 8th grade at Bailey Middle School and even though we’ve only met a few times, we had lots of fun playing Uno and talking about her plans for the weekend.
  • 12-1pm: Development of Drama and Theatre–We discussed theatre during the Enlightenment in Europe and specifically the “Sentimental Comedy” genre. We then listed sentimental movies for the next ten minutes (like The Notebook or It’s a Wonderful Life) so it was yet another great class.
  • 1-4p: Research–I’ve blogged about the Educational Cognitive Neuroscience lab before, but I’m still performing research there so I’ve been able to continue analyzing the data I collected last semester.
  • 4-4:30pm: Flulapalooza–Erica wrote an awesome blog about it, but basically I got a free flu shot thanks to Vandy.
  • 4:30-5:30pm: Anatomy and Physiology Lab–The Anatomy and Physiology class does technically have a lab portion, but it’s done on a computer using the Real Anatomy software. Unfortunately, that software doesn’t work on all Mac laptops, so I’ve been going to the Nursing school to use their computer lab with the software. It’s definitely been cool to explore the Nursing school though.
  • 7-8pm: BBBS Social–I’m on the Big Brothers Big Sisters Exec Board and we planned a social event at Sweet Cece’s in Hillsboro for Vanderbilt bigs. They could get free froyo and meet other bigs to discuss their littles and maybe even get ideas for activities they can do together.
  • 9-10pm: Watch Nashville–I discovered yesterday that 4 of my suitemates also watch the tv show Nashville and it was one of the happiest moments of my life. We all gathered around the tv right when it came on and had tons of fun recognizing the Parthenon and Vandy Med Center in the season premiere!

So yes, that was a pretty busy day, but it was also a great one. When you commit your time to classes and organizations that interest you, then being busy is fun!

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