Practicing For My Future Practice
For the first time, I am writing an Inside Dores blog post from the comfort of my own bedroom in Geneva, Switzerland. :) I wanted to update everyone on my plans for the next couple of weeks, and how they all got started at Vanderbilt…

Today I began a volunteer internship at my old high school—a plan I am going to carry out for the next 2-3 weeks. I came up with the idea at Vanderbilt by talking to my science professor about the possibility of student teaching abroad. The elementary education certification process used to allow students to complete half of their student teaching abroad in Cambridge, England. Since the program was disbanded for lack of interest and funds a few years back, though, I won’t be able to participate. However, once I indicated to the director of education that I wanted to pursue international education, she has been trying ceaselessly to help me. When she suggested that I get practice teaching abroad regardless of student teaching credit, I realized that I needed to take advantage of the fact that my parents live in Switzerland! I offered to work with the English as a Second Language program and help out my old choir teacher with their production of Guys and Dolls. I could get practice in the International School of Geneva while living rent-free and eating my mom’s home-cooked meals!

It was weird going back to my old high school; even if it was to work with younger students. This time, instead of being one of the students under the reign of all of the teachers, I was one of them. My old homeroom teacher even met up with me in the hallway and excitedly told me that I was one of them now. It was so strange to realize that indeed, I am growing up! Vanderbilt has helped me to develop that independence especially well, even though I believe that everyone grows during college, no matter their location. The idea to volunteer at my old school was also encouraged by the Career Center, who pushed me to develop my resume, gain skills relevant to my field, and build professional networks.
Tomorrow I am going to work in the English Language Center all day to get a feel for the environment, and I already have a laundry list of things that need to get done before the show can progress. I am ready to start working, and excited to do so!
…Until next time!