Destination: Dallas!
We, being inquisitive Vanderbilt students, headed towards the Nasher Sculpture Center as one of our first stops and proceeded to become cultured citizens. We casually modeled a few sculptures; after all, imitation is flattery. It was a gorgeous day outside and hearing Sam dramatically read the descriptions of Ken Price’s artwork prompted uncontrollable laughter and probably a few glances (or glares) from the passing connoisseur. In the gallery below, we would educationally guess the titles and then run over to the inscriptions on the wall to check. While a hollow cylinder with a jutting triangle was correctly deemed “Nose Cup,” more often than often, we were wrong. In the DMA, what we thought to be a painting of a bear was a woman on a couch. Whoops.

One of my favorite parts of Dallas was when we released our inner children at the Klyde Warren Park. A capella groups, adorable children, splash zone, oh my! Food trucks lined one side of the park, which is situated over a freeway, and the place was packed with people flying kites; walking dogs; playing pianos, chess, or checkers; reading free book; watching their kids on the jungle gym… this place was amazing! In one section, you could even trade in your ID for a few hours to “rent” materials for croquet, volleyball, and other assorted sports!

By the time we reached the Dallas Museum of Art, we were a bit tuckered out, so we spent a little while sitting in the Creative Connections section, sketching and reading Marvel comics. Revived, we made our way through the free exhibitions, looking at a collection of chairs through the ages, American history, Egyptian art, and the like. It was a good day in the Dallas Art District.

Trevor and Sam were certainly the best Dallas hosts ever. They made sure I saw how amazing Texas was, with its huge State Fair, where we cheered for Trevor’s dad and sister as they German-danced, played with turtles on Swan Lake, rode the incredibly large Texas Star ferris wheel, and screamed on thrilling rides.

They showed Lauren, our incredibly awesome Vandy friend who also came to hang out in Dallas, and me the wonders of Central Market, where we sampled and filled our tummies with first lunch as we gathered the components of our picnic (second) lunch. Our picture-perfect picnic transpired at the Arboretum with our picnic basket on a large blanket under the trees on a hill overlooking a lake with a lot of prepositions. Pure bliss.

We honed our bowling skills, swung on hammocks while learning to play the ukulele, trended on the next big app called Vine, ran against cheetahs at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Google Hungout with our much-missed Vandy friends, and as a foodie, I cannot fail to mention the deliciousness. Our hosts were amazing chefs, serving us platters of spaetzle and brats, shrimp boil, grilled BBQ. Also, Samantha proclaimed that Lauren and I could not leave Texas until we tasted Honey Butter Chicken Biscuits.

Every night in Dallas, I practically passed out, enervated by the sheer amount of fun. I slept, recharging myself for the next day of unforgettable memories. I slept, content and grateful for my friends from this close community formed at Vandy and their families who lavished their generosity and hospitality. I slept with a full, happy heart.