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It’s beginning to look a lot like the end of the semester…

Posted by on Saturday, April 6, 2013 in Art, College Life, Music, Student Life.

They did a series of posters, all incorporating song lyrics that the characters pictured sang in the show. This is just one example.

As a semester draws to a close, all of the performing groups on campus start strutting their stuff.  Each spare moment starts to be packed with supporting other members of VPAC (Vanderbilt Performing Arts Council).  And I would not have it any other way!  This weekend I got to see VOB’s production of Spring Awakening and VUT’s W;t.

I had wanted to see Spring Awakening ever since I heard about its revolutionary effect on the American musical in my class with Professor Lovensheimer last spring.  I love musicals that point a spotlight at the hypocrisy of society and demand thought from the audience.  Then, when Original Cast incorporated several songs from the musical into their performance last semester, I was sold.  Vanderbilt Off-Broadway took my high expectations and completely exceeded them.  The show was magnificently put together with a talented cast, realistic interpretation of the text, and beautiful choreography.

This is the poster advertising W;t

The next day, Vanderbilt University Theatre also blew my expectations out of the water.  I had been telling people that W;t was going to be a great show as I worked at the box office, but I wasn’t 100% convinced until I watched it.  Laura Winston did a phenomenal job portraying Professor Bearing, incorporating just the right amount of strength and tragedy into her role.  The play narrates her journey through an intensive eight-month treatment for stage four ovarian cancer.  Throughout her suffering, Bearing clings to the wit of John Donne that had always guided her life in the past.  By the end of the play, however, questions are raised as to how much you can really separate human beings from love, even when wit appears to fill its absence.  The show took my breath away, spoke to my heart, and was a wonderful choice by Professor Jon Hallquist for this 2012-2013 season.

I absolutely adore watching the work of my fellow students here at Vanderbilt!

…Until next time! :)

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