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Housing Options

Posted by on Friday, March 1, 2013 in College Life, General Information, Housing.

Housing applications begin right after spring break for everyone except the incoming class. While all the first years are automatically assigned to a house on Commons, everyone else gets the choice of where they want to live. Here are all of the options!

  • Branscomb. The location is pretty decent but it’s known to be a noisier place to live as it’s right across from Greek row. All of the rooms are doubles, some of which are connected by a bathroom. Lots of sophomores tend to live here.
Alumni lawn on a beautiful day!
  • Alumni Lawn. Cole is an all female dorm and Tolman is an all male dorm, and both have all singles. They are known to be a bit quieter and their location is perfect for people that love Rand, since they are literally right next to it. McGill and Vandy-Barnard (where I live!) are also on Alumni Lawn. Both of these dorms have living-learning communities and are all singles/doubles. For me, the location is perfect.
  • Towers. Towers has two types of rooms and consists of four towers. There are singles/doubles and suites, which have six people. Mostly juniors and seniors get the suites, which have two singles and two doubles along with your own bathroom and a common room. The location is close to most buildings on main campus.
  • Highland. Highland consists of Lewis/Morgan which has two and four person suites, Mayfields which are separate houses for ten people that have a central project, and Chaffins which are four person suites mostly for juniors and seniors. The good thing about Highland is that it’s across the street from the Rec. The bad thing about Highland is that it isn’t close to anything else except Olin for engineers…but I know plenty of people who live here and love it. I guess lots of walking just isn’t my style.
  • McTyeire. Speak a different language! Eat their food! Live here! Unfortunately, as an engineer, I avoid language classes like the plague so this has never been a viable option. Basically this is for those who absolutely love <insert language here> and want to eat their food in the McTyeire dining hall.
  • Blakemore. To make up for the ridiculously long walk, Vandy allows residents access to McGugin, the athletes cafeteria, which is rumored to have swordfish and made-to-order milkshakes. The rooms are doubles and each has their own bathroom. Since it was added this year (it was previously a nursing home), it is also newly renovated.

I’m also excited for the new dorms to be added my senior year since they look really nice! All of the housing options have their pros and cons, so it definitely depends on the person when making housing decisions.

All the dorm options!

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