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Shopping for Internships!

Posted by on Saturday, February 9, 2013 in Academics, College Life, General Information, Internship, Jobs, Summer, Vanderbilt Internships.

This past weekend my roommates and I had an internship workshop for two hours.  We each had specific job interests and constricting circumstances that limited our search.  For example, Savanna needed to be paid because she works for school money during the summer and mine needs to be short because I travel around a lot visiting family.  But we worked together to improve each other’s phrasing, give support, and provide a wall on which to bounce off ideas.

Even though Savanna spent most of the time searching for publishing companies/newspapers with summer interns, Dexy and I worked primarily on our resumes.  I had gone to the Career Center last year and they gave me a format on which to begin writing.  They have an entire website devoted to resume creation.  I just had never sat down to complete my resume until now, though.  After I finish it, the Career Center advisers will help me edit it to perfection.

This is the Student Life Center (SLC) where one of the Career Center offices is located. The other is on Commons.

The Career Center also has valuable mock interviews, individualized coaching plans, career-specific networking nights, career cluster-specific listservs (e-mailing lists), VUConnectDoreWays, and more!  As a freshman, I did not recognize how valuable these resources were.  Now that I hold a few jobs on campus and am looking for experiences to enrich my development as an educator/theatre practitioner, I see their benefits plain and clear.

I hope this blog can illuminate a small part of the college experience–job hunting.  Vanderbilt helps a lot, but above all it’s about personal determination and hard work.

…Until next time!

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