A Snapshot of Samantha
As I sit here on a slightly lumpy chair in a dorm on the 6th floor of Lewis, surrounded by friends and eating a fresh strip of bacon and a homemade omelet (the product of a breakfast-for-dinner attempt), I am overwhelmed by how happy I am. Mumford and Sons is blaring from someone’s Mac and my friend Lauren, who is finished with exams, is trying to snuggle with me and distract me from the blogging that I really need to finish. Amidst the hurricane of finals and papers that I am currently anchoring down to overcome, moments like this make me want to hit pause on life for a while and soak this whole college experience in.

Here’s a quick snapshot of Samantha’s sophomore life. If I could shrink you down and carry you around in my pocket, you would probably already know all of this, but that technology has not (*YET) been invented. Until then, enjoy this stream of consciousness…
Currently, I’m probably procrastinating more than I should, seeing as I have a ginormous HOD 1700 exam tomorrow at noon. At least I think that’s when I will be exam-ing; a double check of my agenda is most definitely due. The windows open on my computer are my Vandy email and the Google Doc for shifts to work the CARE for AIDS booth at Rand. I like to walk past the CARE for AIDS booth several times a day in between classes and meals because I am bound to see a smiling face I know and get swept into a rousing conversation about finals and stress and “When are you going home, again?” I should just walk around with a shirt that reads, “1 more left, can’t wait to get home, Thursday morning.” Twould save me from much much small talk.
A reflection paper for the Language Development Research Lab I work in is looming over me, due before I leave for Dallas, but I am not too worried. I forced myself to dwell in the Biomedical Library today for a solid 2 hours today to create an outline and start a review of the literature from past studies. Go me, getting assignments started!
Between classes, I have mastered the art of checking my Instagram and playing back Trevor and Mary Kate’s mom in Dice with Buddies, the app version of Yahtzee on the iPhone. Occasionally, I’ll call my mom in between classes to assure her that I am still alive and getting “8 hours of sleep.” The 13 minute walk from my humble abode in Vandy Barnard to Peabody campus allows for a perfectly succinct conversation with the ‘rents.
Every morning, a few friends and I eat breakfast in Rand at 8:30 and we call it Breakfast Buddies, or B-Buds for short. There is a great shortage of males at B-Buds so we are always trying to coerce our guys friends into breakfasting with us. Breakfast buddies is one of my favorite parts of the day because everyone is still half-asleep, so off-the-wall conversations ensue over egg white omelets and Breakfast Blend tea. I am convinced that whenever the elusive Breakfast Blend tea packets are available, it is going to be a good day.
Sophomore year has brought a surprising expansion of friends and a merging between a few of my friend groups. So efficient! While the work load seems to be a bit more strenuous this year than last year, my life seems to be less scheduled and more like an everlasting hang-out in ever-changing locations.
That’s all my brain has to offer for now. Hopefully I can make it to bed before midnight and can resist the allure of The Office and 30 Rock on Hulu for a whole 24 hours. Wish me luck!