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First Tour of the Year!

Posted by on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 in Academics, College Life, Freshman Life, Student Life, Summer.

Being a junior means that I am also a “veteran guide” which sounds awesome and lets me begin giving tours as soon as I get back on campus, which is what I did today!

We had a good-size group at the information session that takes place before the guides enter to take the prospective families on a tour. My group was fairly small, but small tours are always neat because it really allows the prospective students to ask all their questions and have a tour that’s personalized for their needs and interests!

Today was also a day when first-year orientation was in full swing, so it provided a lot of great opportunities to talk about how Vanderbilt honestly goes above and beyond to integrate our newest Commodores into the Vanderbilt community. Today, the VUcept groups were out and about on a scavenger hunt!

A VUcept meeting on campus. Photo courtesy of

For those unaware of what “VUcept” is referring to: it is the orientation group that you are assigned to as a first-year, along with 14 other first-year students, one upperclassmen Vuceptor and one faculty VUceptor. And with this group, you instantly gain 14 familiar faces around campus, one faculty friend, and an upperclassman friend–all of whom inevitably become wonderful resources for a person who has no idea where anything is or what is happening during the first few days of classes. For example, on MY first day of classes, I actually called my student VUceptor because I had no idea where the “temporary station” was to pick up a textbook I had ordered online. And by no idea, I mean I was walking around aimlessly for a good 15 minutes. It ended up being across campus. So, as I said before: wonderful resource.

So far, my last day of freedom has been great! Caught up with some friends over lunch after my tour, bought some last minute school supplies, and am about to head out to grab amazing ice cream with more people I haven’t seen in far too long–a wonderful way to wrap up my summer and begin life as a junior tomorrow.

I feel old…

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