Mayfield Showcase

As I’ve mentioned a few times before, I live in a Mayfield, which is like a small two-story house with ten people who each have their own room, share two bathrooms, a common room, and a kitchenette. In order to live in a Mayfield, the group has to propose a project to work on the whole year that somehow teaches and helps Vandy students, the Nashville community, or the individuals themselves.
Tonight, all the Mayfielders headed over to the Commons for the annual Mayfield Showcase to show what we’ve been up to and answer any questions that freshmen, in particular, might have about living in a Mayfield. Each Mayfield set up a poster documenting their events and explaining their projects, which range from creating an app to give nutritional values at all the dining halls, to improving childhood literacy through Harry Potter, to even holding a forum to discuss a different controversial topic every month.
My Mayfield is nicknamed the Holidays Mayfield, because our project focuses on learning about other cultures by celebrating holidays. We’ve attended events about Eid ul-Fitr and Diwali while also celebrating traditional American holidays, like Halloween and Thanksgiving.
The showcase was especially fun because we got to tell interested freshmen about what we’ve learned. Also, we were interviewed about the highs and lows of living in a Mayfield. My answer to both was that your friends are so close. It’s handy when you’re bored or want to get dinner together but not so great when you need to study or go to bed early (what a crazy concept).
After the showcase, we grabbed dinner from the Commons Center and played pool, since that’s what we always did last year as freshmen. Now I have to go because my housemates are calling me downstairs to draw a name for Secret Santa!