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‘Vanderbilt Political Review’

Getting Involved At Vandy: The Politics Edition

Sep. 13, 2015—The following is a guest blog post by my awesome and talented friend, Caroline. Thank you for sharing your insight and perspective, Caroline! Hey guys! I’m Caroline and I’m a sophomore Public Policy Studies major from Florida. I pretty much live and breathe politics, so Aditi asked me to write about all the cool opportunities...

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The Vanderbilt Political Review

Feb. 26, 2013—At Vanderbilt, there are close to half-a-million extracurricular activities in which you can get involved. These include religious groups, service groups, cultural group, intermural sports, and so many others.  One group with which I have been active for several years is the Vanderbilt Political Review.  We are a non-partisan group that publishes an academic journal...

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The Nashville Intercollegiate Activism Conference

Feb. 21, 2011—Last Thursday, the Vanderbilt Political Review (VPR) hosted the Nashville Intercollegiate Activism Conference (NIAC).  Being the treasurer for VPR, I was somewhat active in putting on this conference and was really excited to see it finally happen.

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