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‘Summer Plans’

My Plans for the Summer

Apr. 28, 2019—Now that the year is winding down, and finals season is coming to a slow end, I’ve pretty much figured out my plans for the summer. Unfortunately, they’re not very exciting, nor are they terribly unique. But, here they are:   1. Taking Organic Chemistry at a local university. Rather than taking Gen Chem with...

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A Summer in D.C.

Mar. 30, 2017—Last summer, going into my sophomore year, I interned at the Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center in my hometown. I had never really been involved in this type of advocacy, but I wanted to stay home over the summer, and oddly enough ZCenter was right around the corner from my high school, but I had never...

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Snips and Snickerdoodles

May. 2, 2013—A visit to my favorite eatery on campus and some trimmings to usher in the summer

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Guest Blog: Home

May. 2, 2013—Thoughts from rising junior, Taylor Bryant, on being a college student and the meaning of home...

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