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2 More Weeks!

Aug. 5, 2018—It is August 5th, meaning there are 2 weeks left until move-in (for junior year – wait what? already? dang)! This summer went by kinda fast, but I’ve enjoyed the break from the busy-ness of campus life. Last night, after a grueling total of 28 hours of travel from seeing family in Turkey I am...

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A Typical Day

Mar. 28, 2017—A question I get asked frequently (and used to wonder a lot myself) by high school students applying to colleges, my parents, and friends back home is “What’s a typical day like at Vandy?” A typical weekday for me in Vandy Land: Wake up around 8 Commons breakfast! Start class around 9 Lunch around noon...

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Vanderbilt, Take Two

Aug. 28, 2014—As the first couple of weeks of my sophomore year at Vanderbilt have progressed, I’ve been thinking a lot about the differences and similarities to my first year. For example, last year, the entire first week of classes was like navigating a maze with no cheese at the end, only the embarrassment and confusion of...

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The Quick Approach of Finals

Dec. 8, 2011—I have learned one thing: no matter where you are in the world, the approach of finals will always induce stress, regardless of how little actual exams you have.

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The Tree of Choices

Nov. 21, 2011—To my high school-aged readers: Think about college right now. Did it induce a little bit of decision-based panic? If so, I totally understand, and have some bad news for you: It will get worse.

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