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It’s that anticipatory time of year!

Mar. 20, 2013—I have always been one of those students who loved planning. There's something comforting about sorting numerous subcategories into an overall compartmentalized unit. Or maybe I'm slightly OCD and Type A. ;) Regardless, now is the time of year where people like me get to excitedly plan out their summers, next year accommodations, and future classes...

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Adventures of a Tuesday Night

Nov. 25, 2012—Last week, Dexy and I decided to go to Target to pick up a few things we needed. We eat oats by the bucketful (overnight oats are my absolute favorite!!) and so we obviously finished all of the ones my mom and I bought during family weekend. We had absolutely no idea how the night would unfold.

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There’s no place like “home”…

Sep. 13, 2012—The warm weather, beautiful breeze and calm atmosphere obviously promoted a time of self-reflection. My old house Gillette is visible from the front of the Commons center and every time I see it, I hear a contented voice in my head sigh: “home”.

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They don’t clean my bathroom anymore?

Feb. 9, 2011—Throughout my Vanderbilt career I have truly had some great luck in my housing! Freshman year I lived in Branscomb, (Yes, I am that OLD that I never lived on the Commons). Branscomb is the dorm that is right beside Greek row, has a Munchie Mart in the bottom, a great study lounge, and a...

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