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How I Spent Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Feb. 4, 2019—Monday, January 21st, classes were cancelled to recognize the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Nashville and surrounding colleges hosted several events throughout the city. Vanderbilt kicked off MLK weekend with a variety of events such as teach-ins, gatherings, a trivia night, a march, tours, and several speakers. Students had the opportunity...

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Thoughts on First Semester (And What Changed)

Feb. 2, 2019—I didn’t think a lot would change in terms of my academic aspirations during my first semester of college. I was a stubborn incoming freshman. In retrospect, that was a dumb mindset. Because a lot did change. I had walked into Vanderbilt as a pre-med student planning to major in anthropology, a subject I’d known...

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Updates on My Research Project

Jan. 21, 2019—If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know that a major component of my Vanderbilt experience has been undergraduate research in a neuroscience laboratory. I am one of several undergraduates that do research in my lab, and it has been a really cool experience throughout the last couple of years....

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Done with the first week of 2nd semester!

Jan. 11, 2019—Now that my schedule for the semester has been finalized, I can share my spring course schedule with you all! Here’s what my week looks like: Physics 1601: Though I took this class last semester, I am retaking it to improve my grade. A nice thing about retaking courses at Vandy is that if it...

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A Day in the Life

Nov. 9, 2018—As fall semester continues on, I wanted to update you all on my life as of late. And what better way to do that than to walk you through a day in my life. So, without further ado, here’s how I spent my Monday this week!   I wake up in the morning around 7:30,...

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Skills to Gain from Summer Research

Aug. 14, 2018—Hello again, Inside ‘Dores readers! I hope this post finds you well and gearing up for the school year ahead. If you have read any of my previous posts, you will likely know that as a pre-med neuroscience student, I have been involved in research throughout my time at Vanderbilt. This summer, I had the...

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Why Vanderbilt?

Apr. 6, 2018—I’m going to be honest with you guys, I don’t know why I applied to Vanderbilt. It was simply a gut feeling. A good number of people from my high school had gone there, and it was a school of the caliber I was looking for. It was also not too far from home, and...

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Tracking Down Summer Internships

Feb. 7, 2018—As if being in college, attending classes, and involving oneself in extracurricular activities weren’t enough, another major component of the undergraduate experience at Vanderbilt is finding productive ways to spend one’s time during the summer. This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately, as pre-medical students generally find internships or research...

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Discovering the Latin American Ethnobotanical Garden

Sep. 18, 2017—It’s off the beaten path, but well worth the trek. The new Latin American ethnobotanical garden, sponsored by the Vanderbilt Center for Latin American Studies, is like a time machine. Here are 50 species of plants, all except 1 (the banana from Asia) originally from Latin America. Thanks to a class I am taking this...

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Vanderbilt’s most popular major: HOD

Mar. 9, 2016—Projects, internships, professors, and more! A look inside Human and Organizational Development, a Vanderbilt-specific major, and one of the most popular ones on campus. Find out about the major that sets Vanderbilt apart from other schools!

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