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‘public speaking’

The One Where Matthew Talks about His Classes

Feb. 5, 2017—[Disclaimer: I don’t actually talk about Friends, I just wanted to have a catchy title.] Continuing the excitement from the previous article, I’d like to talk about academics and residential life (which isn’t nearly as exciting, but stick with me on this)! There has been plenty in this realm to keep me busy, but I...

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The 21-Hour Day

Feb. 24, 2014—Yesterday marked a milestone for my college career: my first all-nighter. After a rock-climbing trip with WilSkills, I had 12 hours to research and practice a 9-minute extemporaneous speech for my public speaking class. There are many excuses I could give as to why I had yet to begin researching for a speech I knew...

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I Major in Talking [Guest Post]

Aug. 5, 2013—Recently, I asked a friend of mine, Katy Biddle, to write a short post on what her major was to give a different view of Vanderbilt academics that is unrelated to my usual pre-med talk. And so, I present to you: Katy Biddle. Hello! I’m Katy Biddle, guest blogging for Jae. A little bit about...

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Vanderbilt Chapter 2, Part 2

Jan. 15, 2011—The first (half) week back has been quite eventful. First off, on my way back to Nashville from central North Carolina I got caught in the sizable storm system that dumped snow on the south…more specifically – I40, my path back to school. After an impromptu stay at a hotel for the day (as the...

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