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‘no more’

It is Finished

Apr. 30, 2015—I’m done. With my last final, I have finished my academic career at Vanderbilt. It’s been a long and exciting journey over these past four years and I have grown immensely from everything that I have experienced. My Vanderbilt experience will be something that I will never forget. At Vandy, I have been able to...

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An End to 4 Years of Football

Dec. 1, 2014—With Vanderbilt’s last game of the season against Tennessee, it capped the last football game of my undergraduate career. Sure, by the end of the Tennessee game, I was bitter that we had not finished the season with a win, losing by a narrow margin of 7 points. But, it was time for the season...

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The End of an Era

Apr. 18, 2014—Last Night, our Intramural Team played in our last game of the season and called an end to a great intramural season as we said goodbye to our graduating seniors. To most, Intramural sports is just an extracurricular activity that they partake in if they have time during their busy Vanderbilt schedule. BUT, to our...

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