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‘grad school’

What I’ll Miss the Most About Vanderbilt

Nov. 3, 2019—As senior year continues on, I feel more and more reflective about the experiences I have throughout my time at Vandy. There are a lot of things I’m going to miss about this place, so I thought I’d share those with you all who are wondering about life here or curious about the student culture....

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My Med School Application Timeline

Oct. 6, 2019—Hello again! As my first semester of senior year gets into full swing, the next phase of my life is definitely weighing on my mind. As many of you know, I am in the process of applying to medical school, so I thought I’d share a little about the process as I’m going through it....

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Preparing for Senior Year

May. 1, 2019—I just finished my last exam for this semester, which makes me officially a senior at Vanderbilt! (Did I get anxiety writing this? Absolutely.) While I am excited to begin my last year at Vanderbilt, I am also a little nervous about what lies ahead. However, Vanderbilt offers many resources on campus to help with...

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So What is Biomedical Engineering..?

Mar. 24, 2013—I first discovered my major, biomedical engineering, my freshman year of high school when flipping through a book of possible careers. Six years later I am still learning each day more about this major that I've chosen as it covers such a wide array of careers. While BME is quite challenging (it is thought to be the hardest major on campus), it is very rewarding.

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