CC: Ethos Church!
Jul. 15, 2017—One of the many churches in Nashville! "Ethos is a fairly young church of college students and young families, with laid back worship and strong Biblical teaching."
Church-Hopping in Nashville
Oct. 6, 2013—Since almost the first week of college, I’ve spent my Sunday mornings exploring the local Christian church scene. Although it’s possible to go to church on campus––there’s the Episcopalian church at St. Augustine’s Chapel, Catholic services at Benton Chapel––I like exploring the surrounding city whenever I have the time. I also attend nondenominational churches. In...
I’ve Got The Victory!
Sep. 24, 2012—This was our first road trip since I've been in Victory and I definitely want to do it again. We were invited to sing at an alumnus' church so we took the 6-hour drive there and back for less than 24 hours in Cincinnati...